8.1 Arrays in a calculation
Given an array a, write an expression that refers to the first element of the array.
Given an array a, declared to contain 34 elements, write an expression that refers to the last element of the array.
Assume that the array arr has been declared. Write a statement that assigns the next to last element of the array to the variable x, which has already been declared.
x = arr(arr.length-2)
Given that the array monthSales
of integers has already been declared and that its elements contain
sales data for the 12 months of the year in order (i.e., January,
February, etc.), write a statement that writes to standard output the element corresponding to October. Do not write anything else out to standard output.
We informally define the term corresponding element
as follows: The first element in an array and the last element of the
array are corresponding elements. Similarly, the second element and the
element just before the last element are corresponding elements. The
third element and the element just before the element just before the
last element are corresponding elements -- and so on. Given an array a, write an expression for the corresponding element of a(i).
a(a.length - 1 - i)
Given that an array named a with elements of type Integer has been declared, assign 3 to its first element.
a(0) = 3
Assume that an array named salarySteps whose elements are of type int and that has exactly five elements has already been declared.
Write a single statement to assign the value 30000 to the first element of this array.
salarySteps(0) = 30000
Assume that an array of integers named salarySteps that contains exactly five elements has been declared.
Write a statement that assigns the value 160000 to the last element of the array salarySteps.
salarySteps (4)= 160000
Assume that an array named a containing exactly 5 integers has been declared and initialized.
Write a single statement that adds 10 to the value stored in the first element of the array.
a(0) += 10
Given that an array of Integers named a with 30 elements has been declared, assign 5 to its last element.
a(29) = 5
Assume that an array of Integers named a has been declared with 12 elements. The integer variable k holds a value between 0 and 6. Assign 15 to the array element whose index is k.
a(k) = 15
Given that an array named a whose elements are of type Integer has been declared, assign the value
to the last element in a.
to the last element in a.
a(a.length - 1) = -1
An array of Integers named a has been declared with 12 elements. The integer variable k holds a value between 0 and 6. Assign 9 to the element just after a[k].
a(k+1) = 9
An array of Integers named a has been declared with 12 elements. The integer variable k holds a value between 2 and 8. Assign 22 to the element just before a[k].
a(k-1) = 22
Assume that an array of Integers named a that contains exactly five elements has been declared and initialized. In addition, an Integer variable j has also been declared and initialized to a value somewhere between 0 and 3.
Write a single statement that assigns a new value to element of the array indexed by j. This new value should be equal to twice the value stored in the next element of the array (i.e. the element after the element indexed by j.
a(j) = a(j+1) * 2
a(0) = a(a.length - 1) * 2
8.2 Array Processing Techniques
Given an array temps of Doubles, containing temperature data, compute the average temperature. Store the average in a variable called avgTemp. Besides temps and avgTemp, you may use only two other variables -- an Integer variable k and a Double variable named total, which have been declared.
k = 0
total = 0
total += temps(k)
k += 1
Loop Until (k = temps.length)
avgTemp = total / k
total = 0
total += temps(k)
k += 1
Loop Until (k = temps.length)
avgTemp = total / k
- an Integer variable k,
- an Integer array currentMembers that has been declared and initialized,
- an Integer variable memberID that has been initialized, and
- an Boolean variable isAMember,
write code that assigns True to isAMember if the value of memberID can be found in currentMembers, and that assigns false to isAMember otherwise. Use only k, currentMembers, memberID, and isAMember.
isAMember = false
k = 0
If memberID = currentMembers(k) Then
isAMember = true
End If
k += 1
Loop Until (k = currentMembers.length)
k = 0
If memberID = currentMembers(k) Then
isAMember = true
End If
k += 1
Loop Until (k = currentMembers.length)
You are given an Integer variable k, an Integer array zipcodeList that has been declared and initialized, and an Boolean variable duplicates. Write some code that assigns True to duplicates if there are two adjacent elements in the array that have the same value, and that assigns False to duplicates otherwise.
Use only k, zipcodeList, and duplicates.
duplicates = false
k = 0
If zipcodeList(k) = zipcodeList(k+1) Then
duplicates = true
End If
k += 1
Loop Until (k = zipcodeList.length - 1)
k = 0
If zipcodeList(k) = zipcodeList(k+1) Then
duplicates = true
End If
k += 1
Loop Until (k = zipcodeList.length - 1)
You are given two Integer variables j and k, an Integer array zipcodeList that has been declared and initialized, and an Boolean variable duplicates. Write some code that assigns True to duplicates if any two elements in the array have the same value, and that assigns False to duplicates otherwise.
Use only j, k, zipcodeList, and duplicates.
duplicates = false
k = 0
j = 0
For k = 0 to zipcodeList.length-1
For j = 0 to zipcodeList.length-1
If (zipcodeList(k) = zipcodeList(j)) And (j<>k) Then
duplicates = true
End If
k = 0
j = 0
For k = 0 to zipcodeList.length-1
For j = 0 to zipcodeList.length-1
If (zipcodeList(k) = zipcodeList(j)) And (j<>k) Then
duplicates = true
End If
- an Integer variable k,
- an Integer array incompletes that has been declared and initialized,
- an int variable studentID that has been initialized, and
- an int variable numberOfIncompletes,
write code that counts the number of times the value of studentID appears in incompletes and assigns this value to numberOfIncompletes.
You may use only k, incompletes, studentID, and numberOfIncompletes.
numberOfIncompletes = 0
For k = 0 to (incompletes.length-1)
If studentID = incompletes(k) Then
numberOfIncompletes += 1
End If
For k = 0 to (incompletes.length-1)
If studentID = incompletes(k) Then
numberOfIncompletes += 1
End If
An array of integers named parkingTickets has
been declared and initialized to the number of parking tickets given out
by the city police each day since the beginning of the current year.
(Thus, the first element of the array contains the number of tickets
given on January 1; the last element contains the number of tickets
given today.)
A variable named mostTickets has been declared, along with a variable k.
Without using any additional variables , write some code that results in mostTickets containing the largest value found in parkingTickets.
A variable named mostTickets has been declared, along with a variable k.
Without using any additional variables , write some code that results in mostTickets containing the largest value found in parkingTickets.
mostTickets = 0
For k = 0 to (parkingTickets.length-1)
If mostTickets < parkingTickets(k) Then
mostTickets = parkingTickets(k)
End If
For k = 0 to (parkingTickets.length-1)
If mostTickets < parkingTickets(k) Then
mostTickets = parkingTickets(k)
End If
Reversing the elements of an array
involves swapping the corresponding elements of the array: the first
with the last, the second with the next to the last, and so on, all the
way to the middle of the array.
Given an array a and two other Integer variables , k and temp, write a loop that reverses the elements of the array.
For k = 0 to ((a.length-1)/2)
temp = a(k)
a(k) = a((a.length-1)-k)
a((a.length-1)-k) = temp
temp = a(k)
a(k) = a((a.length-1)-k)
a((a.length-1)-k) = temp
For 40212:
ReplyDeleteFor k = 0 to (a.length - 1) / 2
temp = a(k)
a(k) = a(a.length - 1 - k)
a(a.length - 1 - k) = temp